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There is nothing more important than your and your children's health! So please contact us now:



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Motherandchild - Specials

Health Package 2022


The last two years have proved us that there was indeed nothing more important than our health.

We would like to offer you the QRMA (Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analysis) test on a discounted price till the end of 2022.

This is a great opportunity to do a health check up before 2022 ends.

QRMA test (45 mins) 6000 HUF (iso 8000 HUF)

Please kindly arrange bookings with Monika on 06 20 9765084 or by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This offer expires 31st December 2022.

We specialize in women’s and children’s health, pregnancy, fertility and nutrition.



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