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Motherandchild - Testimonials

Monika's been looking after us for a couple of years and gave us some great ideas to help with baby Nathan's comfort, making immunization time easier not to mention the mastitis has not returned since. Fabulous naturopath, have recommended to a number of friends.
Karen, Tony & Nathan
I have visited Monika as a naturopath several times over the last few years and each time she has given me sound practical advice and help. She has always asked the appropriate questions to understand what is going on and her remedies and advice have helped me to get back in balance. She has also given me helpful advice for my daughter. It was lovely to see Monika go through her own pregnancy and grow as a mother and with her knowledge and personal experience she would be the ideal person to help with pregnancy and motherhood. I wish her new service was around when my children were young!
I developed cystitis last year, the infection spread over to my kidneys which caused me excruciating pains. For five months I have visited many doctors, received all types of antibiotics and treatments, but no improvement. After five months of suffering a friend of mine recommended to see Monika, the naturopath. My first impression was already great. Finally I wasn’t just another patient but a human being who gets maximal attention from her naturopath. Monika did everything she could to make me feel better and heal quicker. Her expertise, knowledge, thoroughness and empathy that caused my healing impressed me so much. I am very grateful for Monika to heal me from this terrible and long lasting illness. With her help I am a healthy and happy woman again. Thank you.
I have two young children and over the last couple of years I began to realize that my energy levels weren't as good has they had been. Having had an assessment from Monika she was able to give me herbs and remedies, and make suggestions for my diet, that have helped to address this area. The herbs have also had a great affect on my digestion and skin. I really enjoy taking them and the effect they've had on my body.
When I first saw Monika, I was a little skeptical about whether she would be able to help me with my chronic interstitial bladder condition which I have had for around 30 years. I have tried herbal and homeopathic remedies, had 'wicked' painful conventional treatments to no avail, sometimes making my condition worse. I have interstitial cystitis, endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome. The endometriosis had attached itself to my bowels, bladder and back. My bladder being the worst condition and not relieved by surgeries like the endo surgery had been mostly successful.
The medicine I was given by Monika did something so amazing and worked so fast I could not believe my joy; I remember ringing up my specialist and being over the moon as I had not felt this well in years and my pain had subsided. I cannot explain the relief and how the pain had completely disappeared. I do recommend people to see Monika; you have nothing to lose and the joy I felt after her treatment is something I'll never forget.
'Monika is the type of person one never forgets, and although I only had a couple of consultations with her, she has made a lasting impression and good memory within me of being a very gentle, caring, and wise therapist. When I first became pregnant Monika was very supportive and positive, and helped me to understand which foods I needed to eat to make sure I got all of the nourishment that is needed during pregnancy, she also gave me many informative articles about how to have a natural, healthy pregnancy. Monika is a very sincere person who works from her heart, you can feel from her that she really cares about you as a person, I have found that she not only helped me with physical ailments but she also helped me emotionally through her supportive communication.
Ten years ago (it's so good to write that it happened 10 years ago!) a breast cancer of the most serious type was diagnosed. After two operations in 20 days, I had no other choice but undergo a radical treatment. I received a so called 'sandwich therapy', between two series of chemotherapy a month of radio-therapy. All in all it lasted 8 months. Now I am having hormonal therapy for two years.
Everybody knows the side-effects of these treatments, but thanks to Monika's herbal mixture, I hardly had any! I was the 'miracle' of the Oncology - compared to my ill-mates I was in a much better condition. I certainly had some hair loss, but did not loose my hair (I had a fashionable short-cut style even during those long months). If you are a woman you know how important this is. As a result of the hormonal therapy, most women put on 10-20 kilos - I didn't.
After the chemo-and radio-therapy, Monika had only given me a herbal formula to take twice daily and no other 'miracle-medicines or vitamins... My tests are OK and I'm in a perfect general physical and mental state. Thank you, Monika! You cannot imagine how much your treatment has helped me!
I met Ratnamurti 11 years ago. I was attending weekly pregnancy yoga classes in Auckland. She was replacing my yoga teacher and as soon she entered the room I felt beautiful energy coming from her. She taught us an amazing yoga class. After the class I told her how I had been suffering from a stabbing back pain all throughout the previous 3 months of my pregnancy. I was healthy, happy doing regular exercise and tried numerous therapies but nothing helped. Ratnamurti stood behind me and after 5 minutes of energy healing my pain was gone and never returned. Since then we became close friends and colleagues. Ratnamurti has helped me through some difficult times of life as a friend, as my yoga guru and as a healer. She has a wealth of knowledge as a yoga therapist and has extraordinary healing energy.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Ratnamurti for many years in her capacity as a Yoga Teacher and Healer. I trained as a Yoga teacher on a course that she devised and taught. Have attended many workshops she has run and classes she has taught. Her knowledge and wisdom in the field of Yoga is vast and she has a great gift of being able to teach teachers how to teach, to pass on her knowledge and experience in a very inspiring way. She is truly dedicated to the path of Yoga, has lived the Yogic Lifestyle for many years and is of great service to the passing on of this knowledge to many. She has always been encouraging and supportive and happy to answer any questions that may arise. Her great knowledge of the effect of the yoga practices and which to use for specific situations, reasons, needs, requirements is outstanding. She is kind and caring, very intuitive, has great understanding of the processes, shifts and changes, types of experiences one has while undergoing the awakening of self and growing spiritual awareness. She is an excellent, wise teacher and guide.
The Aura Healing sessions I have had with Ratnamurti have been profound. She is a great Healer. Some of the releases I felt during and after the healing session were extraordinary. I definitely benefited from these sessions and highly recommend her. I am very grateful and appreciative of Ratnamurti’s gifts, talents and wisdom.
Ratnamurti is a very wise, knowledgeable and dedicated Yoga Practitioner and Teacher. She is also a gifted Psychic and Healer. The depth and breadth of her knowledge and experience is astounding. I have had many wonderful experiences with her as a yoga teacher and healer and have learnt greatly from her and had profound insights and understandings. With the healing work, I experienced great shifts, changes and releases, which I felt were tremendously healing. I thoroughly recommend her services.

We specialize in women’s and children’s health, pregnancy, fertility and nutrition.



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