Progress Pie
This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Progress pie example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Progress pie Percent, Text, Before, After, Size, Width, Text Align, Size, Color, Fill Color, Text Color, Extra Class. just simply use this shortcode and get Progress pie Style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >
[progress_pie percent="95" text="95% HTML5" size="200" pie_width="12" text_size="16" align="center" pie_color="#f0f0f0" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#cccccc"] [progress_pie percent="90" text="90% php" size="200" pie_width="15" text_size="20" align="center" pie_color="#da5064" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#1eee25"] [progress_pie percent="100" after="% Responsive" size="200" pie_width="10" text_size="15" align="center" pie_color="#d33e1a" fill_color="#8c5b1a" text_color="#cccccc"]