This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Note example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Note Color, Background Color, Border, Radius, Icon, Icon Color, Extra Class, Content. just simply use this shortcode and get Note Style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >
[note note_color="#2ecc71" text_color="#ffffff" border="2px solid #259a57" icon="icon: check" icon_color="#ffffff"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]
[note note_color="#e74c3c" text_color="#fff" radius="5" icon="icon: warning" icon_color="#ffffff"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]
[note note_color="#f1c40f" text_color="#fff" radius="10" icon="icon: info-circle" icon_color="#ffffff"] This is a note. You can show anywhere with any color as you need. isn't cool huh! [/note]