Framed multi-purpose joomla template

Szakterületünk a gyermek egészség és táplálkozás, a nők és a kismamák egészsége és a terhességre való felkészítés, termékenység. Lépjen velünk kapcsolatba:



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Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.




Női egészség

Női egészség

Női egészség




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Gyermek egészség

Gyermek egészség

Gyermek egészség




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Kismama egészség

Kismama egészség

Kismama egészség




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Termékenység, fogantatás

Termékenység, fogantatás

Termékenység, fogantatás




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Gyógynövényes orvoslás

Gyógynövényes orvoslás

Gyógynövényes orvoslás




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Testsúly kontroll

Testsúly kontroll

Testsúly kontroll




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Miért hoztunk létre egy online természetgyógyász klinikát?

Tudjuk, hogy egy szülőnek sokszor nincs ideje vagy energiája, hogy ellátogasson egy egészségközpontba. Nehéz megszervezni a gyerekeket, hogy elkészüljenek időben vagy ha betegek, nem akarunk velük elindulni otthonról.

Klinikánk kényelmes online egészségügyi konzultációkat kínál az egész családja számára.

Hívhat bennünket otthonából vagy akár munkahelyéről is. Szakterületünk a gyermek egészség és táplálkozás, a nők és a kismamák egészsége és a terhességre való felkészítés, termékenység.


This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Splash Screen example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Splash Screen Style, Width, Opacity, One Click, URL, Delay, ESC Hotkey, Close, Class, Content.just simply use this shortcode and get Splash Screen Style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >

Splash Screen Dark Boxed Style

Splash Dark Box Screen Content

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,

[splash style="dark-boxed" width="480" opacity="80" onclick="close-bg" delay="0" esc="yes" close="yes"]
<h3>Splash screen dark boxed content</h3>
<p>But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,</p>

More Example Splash Screen Snapshot

Splash Light Boxed Orange screen content

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,

[splash style="light-boxed-orange" width="720" opacity="75" onclick="close-bg" delay="5" close="yes"]
<h3>Splash Light Boxed Orange screen content</h3>
<p>But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,</p>

Splash Blue Boxed Style

Splash Screen maintenance Style

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,

[splash style="maintenance" width="600" opacity="30" onclick="none" delay="0" esc="yes" close="no"]
<h3>Splash Screen maintenance Style</h3>
<p>But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects,</p>

This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Progress pie example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Progress pie Percent, Text, Before, After, Size, Width, Text Align, Size, Color, Fill Color, Text Color, Extra Class. just simply use this shortcode and get Progress pie Style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >

95% HTML5
90% php
% Responsive
[progress_pie percent="95" text="95% HTML5" size="200" pie_width="12" text_size="16" align="center" pie_color="#f0f0f0" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#cccccc"]
[progress_pie percent="90" text="90% php" size="200" pie_width="15" text_size="20" align="center" pie_color="#da5064" fill_color="#97daed" text_color="#1eee25"]
[progress_pie percent="100" after="% Responsive" size="200" pie_width="10" text_size="15" align="center" pie_color="#d33e1a" fill_color="#8c5b1a" text_color="#cccccc"]

This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Pricing Table example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Pricing Table Extra Class, Content. just simply use this shortcode and get content of Pricing Table. Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow:-

Default Style

per month
  • Max file size 15mb
  • 2GB Storage
  • 3 Users
  • 4 Workspaces
  • Advanced report builder
  • --
  • --
per month
  • 1000GB File storage
  • Unlimited products
  • Professional reports
  • Max file size 15mb
  • Gift cards
  • Real-time carrier shipping
  • Features
[pricing_table style="style1"]
    [plan name="BASIC PRICE" price="19.99" period="per month" margin="0 10px 0 0" background="#fff" header_background="#f6f6f6" color="#479ccf" border="5px solid #ddd" icon="icon: home" icon_color="#479ccf" icon_size="48" btn_url="#" btn_text="Sign Up" btn_background="#1abc9c" btn_background_hover="#117964" badge="New" ]
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Integer consequat nibh in lacus pharetra condimentum vitae ut elit. Aliquam purus eros, viverra vitae consequat in, lobortis nec lorem." position="north"] Max file size 15mb[/tooltip]</li>
            <li>2GB Storage</li>
            <li>3 Users</li>
            <li>4 Workspaces</li>
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Advanced report builder" position="north"] Advanced report builder[/tooltip]</li>

Default Style 2

per month
  • Max file size 15mb
  • 2GB Storage
  • 3 Users
  • 4 Workspaces
  • Advanced report builder
  • --
  • --
per month
  • 240/10 Support
  • Discount code engine
  • 2% Transaction fee
  • Professional reports
  • 3 Users
  • Gift cards
  • Shopify Mobile
per month
  • 1000GB File storage
  • Unlimited products
  • Professional reports
  • Max file size 15mb
  • Gift cards
  • Real-time carrier shipping
  • Features
[pricing_table style="style2"]
    [plan name="BASIC PRICE" price="19.99" period="per month" margin="0 10px 0 0" background="#BFC946" header_background="#BFC946" color="#FFFFFF" border="none" icon="icon: home" icon_color="#FFFFFF" icon_size="48" btn_url="#" btn_text="Sign Up Now" btn_background="#6D7619" btn_background_hover="#A6B428" badge="New" badge_background="#9D7E00"]
        <ul style="color: #fff">
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Integer consequat nibh in lacus pharetra condimentum vitae ut elit. Aliquam purus eros, viverra vitae consequat in, lobortis nec lorem." position="north"] Max file size 15mb[/tooltip]</li>
            <li>2GB Storage</li>
            <li>3 Users</li>
            <li>4 Workspaces</li>
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Advanced report builder" position="north"] Advanced report builder[/tooltip]</li>

Default Style 3

per month
  • Max file size 15mb
  • 2GB Storage
  • 3 Users
  • 4 Workspaces
  • Advanced report builder
  • --
  • --
per month
  • 1000GB File storage
  • Unlimited products
  • Professional reports
  • Max file size 15mb
  • Gift cards
  • Real-time carrier shipping
  • Features
[pricing_table style="style3"]
    [plan name="BASIC PRICE" price="19.99"  period="per month" margin="0 10px 0 0" background="#46C9AA" radius="10" header_background="#46C9AA" color="#FFFFFF" border="none" icon="icon: home" icon_color="#FFFFFF" icon_size="48" btn_url="#" btn_text="Sign Up Now" btn_background="#33A98E" btn_background_hover="#216E5C" badge="New" badge_background="#057E7E"]
        <ul style="color: #fff">
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Integer consequat nibh in lacus pharetra condimentum vitae ut elit. Aliquam purus eros, viverra vitae consequat in, lobortis nec lorem." position="north"] Max file size 15mb[/tooltip]</li>
            <li>2GB Storage</li>
            <li>3 Users</li>
            <li>4 Workspaces</li>
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Advanced report builder" position="north"] Advanced report builder[/tooltip]</li>

Template Style

per month
  • Max file size 15mb
  • 2GB Storage
  • 3 Users
  • 4 Workspaces
  • Advanced report builder
  • --
  • --
per month
  • 240/10 Support
  • Discount code engine
  • 2% Transaction fee
  • Professional reports
  • 3 Users
  • Gift cards
  • Shopify Mobile
per month
  • 1000GB File storage
  • Unlimited products
  • Professional reports
  • Max file size 15mb
  • Gift cards
  • Real-time carrier shipping
  • Features
[pricing_table  class="template-style"]
     [plan name="BASIC PRICE" price="19.99" period="per month" margin="0 10px 0 0" background="#2C3E50" header_background="#2C3E50" color="#479ccf" border="#dddddd" icon="icon: home" icon_color="#479ccf" icon_size="48" btn_url="#" btn_text="Sign Up" btn_background="#1abc9c" btn_background_hover="#117964"]
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Integer consequat nibh in lacus pharetra condimentum vitae ut elit. Aliquam purus eros, viverra vitae consequat in, lobortis nec lorem." position="north"] Max file size 15mb[/tooltip]</li>
            <li>2GB Storage</li>
            <li>3 Users</li>
            <li>4 Workspaces</li>
            <li>[tooltip style="dark" content="Advanced report builder" position="north"] Advanced report builder[/tooltip]</li>

This is bdthemes shortcodes ultimate (joomla) Shadow example. you can get facility in this shortcode item> Style, Class, Inline, Content.just simply use this shortcode and get Shadow style.
Note: you can use this shortcode article and custom module. for your help we give a example bellow >

Default Shadow Style

[shadow inline="yes"][panel shadow="none"]<img src="" alt="" />[/panel][/shadow]

Left Corner Shadow Style

[shadow style="left" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/panel][/shadow]

Right Corner Shadow Style

[shadow style="right" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/shadow]

Horizontal Shadow Style

[shadow style="horizontal" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/shadow]

Vertical Shadow Style

[shadow style="vertical" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/shadow]

Bottom Shadow Style

[shadow style="bottom" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/shadow]

Simple Shadow Style

[shadow style="simple" inline="yes"]<img src="" alt="" />[/shadow]

Komplex egészségmegőrző és egészség javító szolgáltatáscsomag cégeknek és szállodáknak

Tovább a

Szakterületünk a gyermek egészség és táplálkozás, a nők és a kismamák egészsége és a terhességre való felkészítés, termékenység.



Iratkozzon fel hírlevelünkre a legújabb akciókért, hírekért!